Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Key Dance Pointers (Week of Competition)

It’s the week of competition and I’m more excited than nervous.  Well I was not nervous until I realized I was only doing a heal lead about 35% of the time in Waltz and Brian told me “they take off a lot of points for that!” “But don’t worry”, he assured me.  How can I not worry when left with parting words such as that!!! However,  I feel much better after we talked through each of the dances and the one takeaway I can focus on when performing each.  And here they are- for each dance these are my main weakness and the things I will be focusing on come Saturday when I am competing.

 1)   Waltz- Heal Lead! Gosh darn it! (and good posture)     
 2)  Night Club-Keep arms strong and open while making good arm lines.  (and good posture)
       3)  Cha Cha-  Keep steps compact and tight with feet turned out instead of straight (and good posture)
 4)  Two Step- Remember to open up each side when turning to gain momentum while pivoting (and good posture)
 5)  West Coast Swing- Keep right wrist straight, not bent while dancing (and good posture)

Yes, posture is king in all the dances so that will be my main focus.  The other items I mentioned are also pivotal to me looking my best.  I will report back next week when the competition is over to post my reflections.  Until then, I am super excited to dance all weekend!

Ready for competition!

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